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  • Emily Hedges

Proust had his madeleine. For me, it's an apple......

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

A productive garden can feel a bit daunting this time of year. There's so much to do with all the fruit and vegetables you've grown - and that's before you've even begun to think about preparing your borders for winter.

I've got a glut of apples at the moment that need to be cooked and stored away in the freezer to brighten up the cold months to come. Sitting at the table with a basket of fruit at my feet, I was suddenly thrown back to memories of years doing this with my mother and grandmother at my parents' home in Herefordshire, where there were always tonnes of apples to prepare.

The act of quartering, deftly peeling and slicing the apples into the pan immediately transported me back. I could see my grandmother's beautiful hands, strong and kind. My brothers and I were in awe of these hands that could deliver an excruciatingly delicious pinch to the knee - and twist a whole apple in half.

The best thing about these shared apple peeling sessions was the conversations we'd have. Catching up on each others news, coming up with recipes for the best crumble topping and laying out plans for the future. It was during one of these kitchen table discussions that I finally decided to move from London where I was frustrated by my small patch of ground, to make my home in Herefordshire, some 20 years ago.

Our lives seem extra busy these day. There seems to be less and less time for face-to-face conversation and simple but rewarding tasks are often swept away in favour of newer shinier distractions. Peeling and chopping a basket-full of apples can be a gentle way pass an hour or so on your own, but its a lovely job to share - and a great chance to catch up with those you care about.

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