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  • Emily Hedges

Sourdough in Lockdown

Updated: Feb 17, 2021

Lockdown has presented us all with a series of firsts. For me, there’s been FaceTime with my mum, yoga lessons via Zoom, a few days of sewing headbands and kitbags for the NHS when supplies of PPE ran dangerously low – and sourdough.

Shortly before Lockdown began, I’d gone in to my local deli for some dried yeast as bread stocks threatened to run short. The owner, a friend, wouldn’t let me have any. He insisted, instead, that I try sourdough and gave me a little pot of starter. I was initially excited by the idea of using this to make bread, but was quickly overwhelmed. Somehow on top of coming to terms with the new stipulations of the Lockdown and Coronavirus, the pressure of committing to a regular bread-making regime was a step too far. I made one rather unprepossessing loaf and left the starter languishing in the fridge to become a stiff, sticky glue which I later, guiltily, washed down the sink.

After a few days, I pulled myself together, found a set of simple instructions online and set to, making a new starter. I found a nice big, clean Kilner jar to keep it in. I was ready. For almost a week I tended the starter, adding 50g flour and water a day, stirring well and leaving it to develop in the airing cupboard. On day six the instructions told me to throw most of it away. Then, much to my relief, I was rewarded on day seven with a sweet yogurt-smelling mixture, lively with bubbles. It was time to make my first loaf. The process of making the dough is really enjoyable, there’s no heavy kneading, rather you complete a series of ‘folds’ where you stretch portions of the dough up, and bring them to lie over the top of the rest, leaving half-hour resting periods in between. This develops the gluten.

The first loaf, from my starter, was fantastic – crusty, tasty with a great texture and the hallmark air bubbles throughout. I was hooked.

Since then, I feed the starter every day and am rewarded with the most wonderful bread. Each loaf has been different, but all have been delicious. There’s something really satisfying about making something as simple and staple as good bread. I can genuinely say I now have a fondness and respect for the starter which, in return for a little care, sits waiting for me – ready to do its thing, whenever I want to make a loaf.

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